National Capital Chapter 70 - Ottawa, Canada

Chapter 70 HOME Page

Suspending Operations

On July 1, 2024, after 50 years, QCWA National Capital Chapter 70 has suspended operations as an active chapter. Changing times and declining potential membership made the change inevitable.


This website will remain as a static memorial to the Chapter and its members but will no longer be kept up to date. With the exception of this Home page, the site remains as it was prior to suspending operations.

Continued Traditions

Although suspending operations, two Chapter 70 traditions will remain for the time being, those being the Monday evening 2-meter net, and the Tuesday morning breakfast get together at Summerhays (see details below).

General Information:

For all other information, contact Bryan Rawlings, VE3QN, at: ars.ve3qn@gmail.com> .

Awards and Pins:

For information on your QCWA awards and pins, contact Pat Brewer, VE3KJQ, at: patbrewer@sympatico.ca.

Weekly Open Breakfast

The group of the QCWA Chapter 70 faithfuls who usually assembled at the Summerhays Restaurant (1971 Baseline Road) (map) on Tuesday mornings continue to meet for some great ham radio conversation with some familiar faces. The breakfast is, however, open to all. Breakfast is at 8 AM, give or take a bit.

Former Chapter 70 VHF Net

Join us for the 2 meter net on Monday evenings at 19:30 on VE3OCE (146.880 MHz, - 600KHz offset, 136.5 Hz tone).